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2 Methods To Install GIMP on AlmaLinux 9 / RHEL 9

In this guide, you will learn to 2 Methods To Install GIMP on AlmaLinux 9 / RHEL 9 like Rocky Linux 9, and launch your APP. GIMP which stands for GNU Image Manipulation Program, is an open-source image editing software. It also has amazing features including:

  • Image Retouching
  • Color Correction
  • Layered Editing
  • Extensive Filters
  • Multiple File Formats

You can easily get your GIMP app from the DNF package manager and by using Flatpak on AlmaLinux / RHEL 9 like Rocky Linux 9. This tutorial will show you how you can do this.

2 Methods To Install GIMP on AlmaLinux 9 / RHEL 9

Before you start the GIMP installation, you must have access to your server as a non-root user with udo privileges.

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PHP 8.3 Installation on AlmaLinux 9 / Rocky Linux 9

This guide intends to teach you PHP 8.3 Installation Steps on AlmaLinux 9 / Rocky Linux 9 and RHEL 9. PHP 8.3 is the latest release of PHP programming language that will released on 23 NOV. So we decided to provide a PHP 8.3 installation guide on RHEL 9.

To get more information about this newly released version, you can visit Upcoming PHP 8.3 and New Improvements.

Also, if you are a Debian-based user, you can get the installation steps and upgrade process by visiting this guide on Upgrade Default PHP to PHP 8.3 in Debian / Ubuntu.

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Upgrade Default PHP to PHP 8.3 in Debian / Ubuntu

This tutorial intends to teach you to Upgrade the Default PHP version to PHP 8.3 in Debian / Ubuntu from the terminal command line. In the last guide, we talked about the newly released PHP version which is PHP 8.3. It has many features and improvements. Also, it will be released on 23 November 2023. So we decided to provide a guide for upgrading the PHP version to the new version in Debian-based distros.

You can find more information about PHP 8.3 by visiting this guide on Upcoming PHP 8.3 and New Improvements.

Now follow the steps below to start your Upgrade process for PHP on Debian and Ubuntu.

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Python 3.12 Installation on AlmaLinux 9 / RHEL 9

In this article, you will learn a complete guide on Python 3.12 Installation on AlmaLinux 9 / RHEL 9 including Rocky Linux 9 from Command Line Terminal. As you must know, Python is a great and popular programming language that can be used to build websites and software. At the current time, the latest stable version of Python is Python 3.12. You can follow the steps below to start Python 3.12 installation on RHEL 9 distros.

What Python version is supported by RHEL 9?

In RHEL 9, Python 3.9 is the default Python version. At this point, you can proceed to the following steps to get the latest stable version which is Python 3.12.

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Create Linux Permanent Aliases for All Users

This guide intends to teach you to Create Linux Permanent Aliases for All Users with Examples. In simple words, the alias command allows you to create a shortcut for long commands. It makes it easy to remember and use the commands. Also, it has the same functionality as the whole command. Now follow the steps below to see how you can make a permanent alias for a specific user and all users.

Steps To Create Linux Permanent Aliases for All Users

To complete this guide, you must have SSH access to your server as a root or non-root user with sudo privileges.

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Install Apache Web Server on AlmaLinux 8

In this article, we want to teach you to install an Apache web server on AlmaLinux 8 and Set up the Apache Virtual Host file.

The Apache HTTP Server is free and open-source software that allows users to deploy their websites on the internet. You can learn more about AlmaLinux by visiting this article about Introducing AlmaLinux.

Now follow the steps below to complete your Apache installation on AlmaLinux 8.

Steps To Install an Apache Web Server on AlmaLinux 8

To install the Apache web server on AlmaLinux 8 you need to follow these requirements first.

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Initial Server Setup with AlmaLinux 8

In this article, we want to teach you the Initial server setup with AlmaLinux 8.

AlmaLinux is an open-source and forever-free enterprise Linux distribution focused on long-term stability.

You can learn more details by visiting this article about Introducing AlmaLinux as a replacement for Centos.

Initial Server Setup with AlmaLinux 8

To start your server setup with AlmaLinux 8 you need to log in as a root user. then update the packages.

How to update AlmaLinux 8 software

You can update the software repositories, system security patches, and all packages on AlmaLinux 8 server with the following command:

dnf update

When you have finished updating, you can release disk space by deleting all downloaded software packages with all cached repositories information on AlmaLinux 8 with the following command:

dnf clean all

Now you can install some utilities that are most useful.

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Install LEMP Stack on Centos 7

In this article, we want to teach you to install the LEMP stack on Centos 7.

LEMP is short for Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP. You can use this software for your web development with Nginx. In this tutorial, we use MariaDB instead of MySQL. Follow the steps below to complete this guide.

Easy Guide To Install LEMP Stack on Centos 7

To install LEMP on Centos 7, you need to log in as a non-root user with root privileges that can run Sudo commands. Follow our article about the Initial server setup with Centos 7.

Step 1 – LEMP Stack on Centos 7- Install Nginx

For installing Nginx you should get the latest version of Nginx.

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Install Apache Web Server on Debian 11

In this article, we want to teach you how to install the Apache web server on Debian 11. Apache is a free and open-source HTTP server that allows users to deploy their websites on the Internet. This guide will show you how to install Apache and create the Apache virtual host files.

Install Apache Web Server on Debian 11

You need some requirements to install the Apache web server on Debian 11. Let’s see what we need.


You need to log in as a non-root user with Sudo privileges into your server and a basic setup for a firewall. To do this, you can check our article about the Initial server setup with Debian 11.

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Install Apache on Ubuntu 20.04

In this article, we want to teach you How to Install Apache on Ubuntu 20.04.

Apache HTTP server is the most widely used web server software. Developed and maintained by Apache Software Foundation, Apache is open-source software available for free. Now you can follow the rest of the article to complete Apache installation on Ubuntu 20.04.


Before we start to teach you how to install Apache you need to log in to your server with a non-root user with root privileges. To do this, you can check our article about the Initial server setup with Ubuntu 20.04.

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