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C++ Alliance takes aim at C++ memory safety

C++ and the C language have been the target of criticism by the White House, which in February urged developers to stop using these languages over memory safety concerns. C++ founder Bjarne Stroustrup responded by defending the language. The Safe C++ Extensions proposal aims to turn the tide for C++. A key component of the plan is the Safe Standard Library, which would provide developers with memory-safe implementations of essential data structures and algorithms, according to Falco. The goal of the proposal is to advance a superset of C++ with a “rigorously safe subset,” the proposal states.

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AI to create better products and services, add $19.9T to global economy — IDC – Computerworld

New job roles to emerge

survey of CFOs in June by Duke University and the Atlanta and Richmond Federal Reserve banks found that 32% of organizations plan to use AI in the next year to complete tasks once done by humans. And in the first six months of 2024, nearly 60% of companies (and 84% of large companies) said they had deployed software, equipment, or technology to automate tasks previously done by employees\.

While some work is being negatively affected by the rapid proliferation of AI tools and platforms, new positions such as AI ethics specialists and AI prompt engineers will emerge as dedicated roles within global organizations.

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OpenAI announces changes to its safety and security practices based on internal evaluations

Back in May, OpenAI announced that it was forming a new Safety and Security Committee (SSC) to evaluate its current processes and safeguards and make recommendations for changes to make. When announced, the company said the SSC would do evaluations for 90 days and then present its findings to the board.

Now that the process has been completed, OpenAI is sharing five changes it will be making based on the SSC’s evaluation. 

First, the SSC will become an independent oversight committee on the OpenAI board to continue providing independent governance on safety and security.

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Java 23 is now available

Oracle has announced the release of Java 23, which contains a number of new language and library features, mostly in preview stages. 

According to Chad Arimura, VP of developer relations at Oracle, the fact that most of the JDK Enhancement Proposals (JEPs) in this release are previews of what’s to come rather than stable features is a sign that the feedback process is working. 

“The JEPs do oftentimes change and evolve a little bit through the process, and they end up being much better than they would have been had we just kind of thrown something over the wall based on a lot more limited feedback,” he said. 

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Is it Still Safe and Reliable?

LastPass fast facts

Our rating: 3.4 stars out of 5.
Pricing: Starts at $3 per month.
Key features:

  • Extensive multi-factor authentication options.
  • Offers a free plan.
  • One-time password feature.

LastPass logo.
Image: LastPass

In 2022, LastPass experienced two major data breaches that resulted in customer data being stolen. This data consisted of encrypted fields such as website usernames and passwords, secure notes and form-filled data, and unencrypted data such as website URLs.

While LastPass offers a decent password manager experience with its slew of two-factor authentication options and consistent password capture and replay, its recent security incidents prevent us from recommending their service.

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Intel scores Amazon AI chip deal, reigniting hopes for a turnaround – Computerworld

“It is no secret that the existing chip manufacturers are essentially maxed out on their production capacity for the next couple of years when it comes to AI,” Park said. “Any ability that Intel has to further support AI workloads would be welcomed by the market at large. This is especially important because AI is often developed in the cloud due to the unpredictability of the workload, and AWS is potentially a blank check in terms of acquiring AI chips.”

Neil Shah, partner & co-founder at Counterpoint Research, noted that the deal marks a significant milestone for Intel, potentially allowing it to package Amazon’s next-generation Trainium chip — possibly Trainium 3 — which could exceed 1000 watts, putting it on par with Nvidia’s Blackwell architecture.

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Microsoft adds $30-a-month business chat AI assistant to Copilot

Microsoft has added a number of features to its Copilot artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled assistant for office productivity, as it builds out its AI strategy for business users.

The company has spent the past year fleshing out how AI through Copilot is helping its customers become more productive. In the earnings call for its full year and Q3 2024 results, CEO Satya Nadella said almost half of the Fortune 500 are using Copilot.

“We’ve seen accelerated adoption across industries and geographies, with companies like Amgen, BP, Cognizant, Koch Industries, Moody’s, Novo Nordisk, Nvidia and Tech Mahindra purchasing over 10,000 seats,” he said.

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Overcoming AI hallucinations with RAG and knowledge graphs

Rather than storing data in rows and columns for traditional searches, or as embeddings for vector search, a knowledge graph represents data points as nodes and edges. A node will be a distinct fact or characteristic, and edges will connect all the nodes that have relevant relationships to that fact. In the example of a product catalog, the nodes may be the individual products while the edges will be similar characteristics that each of those products possess, like size or color.

Sending a query to a knowledge graph involves looking for all the relevant entities to that search, and then creating a knowledge sub-graph that brings all those entities together.

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Toshiba follows the pack with launch of 24TB and 28TB HDDs

Number three in the hard drive maker’s league, Toshiba, has announced products of 24TB and 28TB. These are the 24TB MG11, which is conventional magnetic recording (CMR) HDD technology, and the 28TB MA11, which uses shingled magnetic recording (SMR) technology.

Seagate was the first to market around a year ago with similar drives, the CMR 24TB Exos X24 and an SMR variant at 28TB. Western Digital followed at the end of 2023 with its Ultrastar DC HC580 (24TB) and HC680 (28TB SMR). Toshiba’s previous HDD flagship capacity-wise was the 22TB conventional MG10F.

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Microsoft Microsoft 365 Copilot Wave 2 Adds Online Canvas Feature

Microsoft will expand its AI offerings in 365 Copilot Wave 2 throughout the fall, the company announced during demonstrations held on Sept. 16.

Jared Spataro, Microsoft’s corporate vice president of AI at Work, declared that “Copilot is the new UI for AI.” The presentation emphasized the ability to use the natural language to command an application from anywhere on the page rather than simply focusing on any single new capability.

Copilot now uses OpenAI’s GPT-4o large language model. Microsoft plans to add the new OpenAI o1 model in the future, said Spataro.

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